This website shows you how any doctor office can use wise environmental practices to make your office healthier and save you money.  Here you learn ideas for your office, your families, your patients, and your community.   We will guide you step-by-step to create an office Green Team and to take your first Action Steps.  Wherever in  the world you are located, we will help you to qualify for a Green Doctor Office Recognition  certificate from the Florida Medical Association. is for doctor office staff members, managers, and doctors.  This a free, not-for-profit service of the Florida Medical Association.  We offer this because we want to help doctor offices to contribute to making a healthier world.


If this is your first visit to us, please click  below to Register with us –it’s free. secure, and no passwords are needed.  If you have already registered,  go to the “Welcome” tab to read about My Green Doctor  and read ”Quick Start, Now!” to begin your Green team in minutes, or to go to one of  our seven Workbooks.